



最近、コロナウイルスのせいでなかなか精神的に参りますね。就活しないといけないけど説明会とか面接とか延期されるからストレスすごいンゴ。これに伴って採用人数とか減ってそう。早く第一志望の企業から内定欲しいンゴね。 研究室にも行ってないから研究し…


英語で日記を書こうと始めたは良いものの、英語がわからないがために日記を書くのを諦める現象が始まってしまったので、日本語に戻りますん。 バイト先の同期(?)の人が、材料系で就活してるらしいけど、早くも内定が出ているみたいでうらやましい。まぁ、…


I can't watch the result. The result will be open tomorrow.I wish pass the exam.

Web job interview

I take web job interview today and get so nervous. But I told her what I want to tell. So, I hope it will work good.


Most of People who want to get a job must pass a exam called SPI. SPI has some kinds of form. Today I take the SPI of structure grasp. I did't know much though I studied...! Everything will be OK! maybe. Please tell me the result !!!!!!!!!!

Web Briefing session

Why can you understand the rule the company told?? don't open your camera and open your name. you are so not wise.

Don't annoy me

I'm busy in recruiting my job with Rikunabi. But Rikunabi syuukatu agent I enrolled tries to frequent calling. It's annoying me!!!!!!


I got erysipepelas. It's five times from last summer.